Refund Policy

Once you have applied for membership for Patidar Samaj of Victoria, we cannot give refunds if you change your mind. For this reason that we ask that you make your decision apply to us carefully. Please note:

  • We will refund if there was an error made by a representative of Patidar Samaj of Victoria or our financial institution
  • We may refund if there are exceptional circumstances

Should an error be detected and a request for refund made after 28 days have expired, Patidar Samaj of Victoria regrets that we are unable to issue a refund.

What you should do

You have up to 28 days to notify Patidar Samaj of Victoria of any errors and make a refund request in writing.

Please send your refund request to the email below;


What to include

Be sure to include details of your original donation including:

  • Your full name (or the name used on your credit card)
  • The transaction date
  • The reasoning behind a refund request

What happens next?

Patidar Samaj of Victoria will review your refund request and let you know the outcome.

If your refund is approved, your original tax receipt becomes void and a new receipt will be issued (where applicable). If a donation is refunded, the associated tax receipt is no longer valid so it should be securely destroyed. Please note it is your responsibility to submit only correct receipts to the Australian Tax Office.

Refund terms and conditions

Patidar Samaj of Victoria reserves the right to deduct any bank fees, transaction charges or processing fees from the refunded amount.

Where refund requests are received more than 28 days after the transaction, Patidar Samaj of Victoria regrets that we are unable to issue a refund.

Should an error ever be made by Patidar Samaj of Victoria, our financial institution(s), platform partners or suppliers, a full refund will be made immediately upon notification of the error and investigation, with processing costs borne by us.

All decisions on refunds will be at the discretion of Patidar Samaj of Victoria’s management.